Adapted Physical Activity

In relation to this area we have explored, and continue to explore, some essential questions for researchers to continuously ponder on in the field of Adapted Physical Activity (APA), such as: Who is the expert? Whose knowledge counts and what knowledge for whom and by whom is produced? Our purpose has been to respond to these questions through an extensive review of the prevailing research philosophies and methodologies in APA.

In doing so, we have reviewed key journals in the field of APA, namely: Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly (from 1984 to 2022) and European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity (from 2008 to 2022), covering 1021 articles. Guided by values of epistemic and ethical responsibility, we have investigated and critiqued research trends and underlying assumptions in APA.

By attending to APA research at the level of epistemology and related methodologies, we aim to go beyond simply reporting the current state of the field to reveal how research and practice in APA does or does not serve and support individuals experiencing disability and disability communities. Based on the extensive data set and our interpretation of it, we offer insight into existing limitations as well as possibilities for future research directions.

Specific Focus

Inclusive Sport research theme focuses on experience and equity of inclusive sport and exercise through the physical activity spectrum (i.e., from recreation through to performance sport). Our key aim is to conduct and share impactful, applicable research regarding inclusion among marginalised populations within sport and exercise (e.g., disabled communities, women, older adults, etc.). Through excellent scholarship and meaningful practice, we strive to serve marginalised populations by exploring and creating equitable access to and opportunities for sport and exercise. We, thus, focus on engaging and working with communities, practitioners, scholars, teachers, stakeholders, coaches, and others to do meaningful work  locally and globally. Key research interests include; social justice, social exclusion, critical dis/ablism, participatory/emancipatory research, adapted physical education, adapted/ inclusive sport/ exercise/ recreation.